11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Communication and the ability to influence is the #1 skill for every single one of us. Yet often, we either don’t make it a priority, forget to share details, or avoid a conversation altogether. From my experience, it’s because we are fearful of how the other party will respond.

  • Will the person get angry?
  • Or reject us?

  • Or be hurt?

If we have our druthers, most of us would prefer to steer clear of conflict and confrontation.

It’s just human nature.

We all know how it feels to encounter someone with poor verbal communication skills. We’re left feeling confused, frustrated or even worse, disempowered. You know what I mean. Instead of being lifted up, it drags us down.

A strong leader doesn’t need to be the smartest person in the room or work longer hours than others do. What is needed is to have a high degree of emotional intelligence, and bring people together around a common goal. A strong leader must use the right words to build up their team and articulate clear goals for individuals and for the organization.

In a LinkedIn survey, Emotional Intelligence ranked in the top 5 soft skills most sought after. EQ and knowing how to communicate with influence go hand in hand. Think Yin and Yang. Or Bonnie and Clyde.

Becoming a better communicator requires being intentional in both your conversations and in writing.

Here are my 6 simple and proven communication strategies for any conversation you embark on:

1. Be Prepared – Know what you want to say ahead of time

2. Be Clear – Keep it clear and concise

3. Be Confident – be strong in your point of view

4. Be Thoughtful – speak with compassion and empathy

5. Be Grounded – eliminate distractions, stay present and listen

6. Be Open – look for synergistic outcomes

Learning how to be a good communicator is crucial for your success in business and in life. It requires focus, practice, and commitment. It can be a lifelong journey so be patient and stay the course!

Remember, speaking up is a responsibility. So, use the 6 steps to be intentional and strategic in every conversation.

I’ve helped hundreds of business professionals get clear on what they want to say and how to say it, whether it be to a boss, employee, client, colleague, partner, or friend.

If you’ve been avoiding putting off a tricky conversation, sign up for a complimentary Clarity Call with me here.

And, if you missed my LinkedIn webinar, Strategic Communication: Get the Outcomes You Want, here’s the replay:

strategic communication: get the results that you want webinar