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Blog - Mindset





When the Unthinkable Happens.

When the Unthinkable Happens.

I go for a long hike on Saturday's with my friend Amber and my dog, Pie. It's our time to catch up, solve the world's problems and "get it all out on the mountain." Our hikes are therapy for the body, mind and soul. This past week she told me about a friend...

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Feeling In a Rut? Read This.

Feeling In a Rut? Read This.

I’ve had several conversations with clients this week who told me they are in a rut. They all want to move forward in an area of their lives yet they are struggling. The specific reasons differ, but a common theme is they are judging themselves. They have thoughts...

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Who’s Got Your Back?

Who’s Got Your Back?

My sister gave me the above card recently - LOL. I can't tell you how much it makes me smile! I keep it on my desk for inspiration if I feel alone or having a hard day.  Because we all have times when we need a little extra support. Here are a few recent situations...

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When “Unexpected” Happens.

When “Unexpected” Happens.

With so many things out of our hands these days - whether it's COVID, a job falling through the cracks, a re-org, a health scare, unprecedented weather in Texas, a house falling out of contract - whatever it may be - the unexpected is the new black. When things happen...

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Channel Your Inner Badass.

Channel Your Inner Badass.

I was talking with a potential client early this week. She reached out because she wanted help figuring out what to work on to feel more comfortable at work. She’s smart, strategic and a high performer, as most of my clients are. As we started to dig into her...

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Simple truths from walking my dog.

Simple truths from walking my dog.

I was walking my dog, Pie, the day all hell broke loose in the Capital. Though it was raining, she needed to get outside and truth be told, I needed a break from the chaos. It was an unnerving day for all. While on our walk, I encountered a man with a St. Bernard. We...

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Life is What You Dream Up.

Life is What You Dream Up.

As we move into 2021, there is hope on the horizon, optimism in the air, and a glimpse of a brighter future. Though we aren't out of the weeds yet and it won't be all sunshine and rainbows, one thing is for sure. The new year will be better than the last. It's a...

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How to Stop Berating Yourself

How to Stop Berating Yourself

Most high performers and I include myself in this category, expect a lot from themselves. Unrealistically so. We consistently overdo and over busy while at the same time, never feel 'enough'. I see this across the board with my clients. As a recovered 'hard on myself"...

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Another Elephant In The Room – Rage.

Another Elephant In The Room – Rage.

Rage is in the air. I guess it's no surprise that Bob Woodward's new book is titled, Rage. Many of us are feeling it individually and collectively. Here's a story: Two weeks ago I had a date with a man I recently met. On our first date, he told me he wasn’t political...

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How to Deal with Extremes.

How to Deal with Extremes.

We're living in a world of Extremes. Extreme fires Extreme temperatures Extreme smoke Extreme ash falling from the sky Extreme shootings Extremists everywhere So how do we deal with such a vast range without going into fear, numbing or tuning out? Here are a few blogs...

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Feeling Verklempt? How to Deal with Anger.

Feeling Verklempt? How to Deal with Anger.

Along with the daily eruptions in the media that distract and create fear, so many of us have more on our plates right now. Some of the issues my clients are dealing with may resonate with you. Homeschooling kids, nursing a terminally ill parent, personal health...

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